Source code for tablexplore.plotting

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    tableexplore plotting module
    Created May 2017
    Copyright (C) Damien Farrell

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import sys,os,random,platform
from collections import OrderedDict

import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
    from pandas import plotting
except ImportError:
    from import plotting
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from .qt import *
from .dialogs import *
from . import util
import logging

homepath = os.path.expanduser("~")
module_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
iconpath = os.path.join(module_path, 'icons')
settingspath = os.path.join(homepath, '.config','tablexplore')
cmapsfile = os.path.join(settingspath, 'cmaps.pkl')

colormaps = sorted(m for m in if not m.endswith("_r"))
markers = ['','o','.','^','v','>','<','s','+','x','p','d','h','*']
linestyles = ['-','--','-.',':']
plotkinds = ['line', 'bar', 'barh', 'scatter', 'pie', 'histogram', 'boxplot', 'violinplot', 'dotplot',
             'heatmap', 'area', 'hexbin', 'scatter_matrix', 'density', 'radviz']
valid_kwds = {'line': ['alpha', 'colormap', 'grid', 'legend', 'linestyle','ms',
                  'linewidth', 'marker', 'subplots', 'rotx', 'logx', 'logy',
                  'sharex','sharey', 'kind'],
            'scatter': ['alpha', 'grid', 'linewidth', 'marker', 'subplots', 'ms',
                    'legend', 'colormap','sharex','sharey', 'logx', 'logy', 'use_index',
                    'clrcol', 'cscale','colorbar','bw','labelcol','pointsizes'],
            'pie': ['colormap','legend'],
            'hexbin': ['alpha', 'colormap', 'grid', 'linewidth','subplots','bins'],
            'bootstrap': ['grid'],
            'bar': ['alpha', 'colormap', 'grid', 'legend', 'linewidth', 'subplots',
                    'sharex','sharey', 'logy', 'stacked', 'rotx', 'kind', 'edgecolor'],
            'barh': ['alpha', 'colormap', 'grid', 'legend', 'linewidth', 'subplots',
                    'sharex','sharey','stacked', 'rotx', 'kind', 'logx', 'edgecolor'],
            'histogram': ['alpha', 'linewidth','grid','stacked','subplots','colormap',
                     'sharex','sharey','rotx','bins', 'logx', 'logy', 'legend', 'edgecolor'],
            'heatmap': ['colormap','colorbar','rotx', 'linewidth','linestyle',
            'area': ['alpha','colormap','grid','linewidth','legend','stacked',
            'density': ['alpha', 'colormap', 'grid', 'legend', 'linestyle',
                         'linewidth', 'marker', 'subplots', 'rotx', 'kind'],
            'boxplot': ['rotx','grid','logy','colormap','alpha','linewidth','legend',
            'violinplot': ['rotx','grid','logy','colormap','alpha','linewidth','legend',
            'dotplot': ['marker','edgecolor','linewidth','colormap','alpha','legend',
            'scatter_matrix':['alpha', 'linewidth', 'marker', 'grid', 's'],
            'contour': ['linewidth','colormap','alpha','subplots'],
            'imshow': ['colormap','alpha'],
            'venn': ['colormap','alpha'],
            'radviz': ['linewidth','marker','edgecolor','s','colormap','alpha']

[docs]def defaultOptions(): """Get default plotting options""" opts = {'general': MPLBaseOptions(), 'format': FormatOptions(), 'labels': AnnotationOptions(), 'axes': AxesOptions() } return opts
[docs]def update_colormaps(): """Load stored colormaps""" cmaps = load_colormaps() if cmaps == None: return for name in cmaps: cm=cmaps[name] mpl.colormaps.register(cm) global colormaps colormaps.append( return
[docs]def load_colormaps(): if not os.path.exists(cmapsfile): return {} import pickle fp = open(cmapsfile, 'rb') cmaps = pickle.load(fp) fp.close() return cmaps
[docs]class PlotWidget(FigureCanvas): def __init__(self, parent=None, figure=None, dpi=100, hold=False): if figure == None: figure = Figure() super(PlotWidget, self).__init__(figure) self.setParent(parent) self.figure = Figure(dpi=dpi) self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.figure) = self.figure.add_subplot(111)
[docs]class PlotViewer(QWidget): """Plot viewer class""" def __init__(self, table, parent=None): super(PlotViewer, self).__init__(parent) self.parent = parent self.table = table self.createWidgets() self.createOptions() #self.seriesopts = SeriesOptions(plotviewer=self) self.currentdir = os.path.expanduser('~') sizepolicy = QSizePolicy() self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)) = None return
[docs] def addPlotWidget(self): """Create mpl plot canvas and toolbar""" layout = self.left vbox = self.vbox self.canvas = PlotWidget(layout) self.fig = self.canvas.figure = self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, layout) #add custom buttons #iconfile = os.path.join(iconpath,'plotseries.png') #a = QAction(QIcon(iconfile), "Customise Series", self) #a.triggered.connect(self.customiseSeries) #self.toolbar.addAction(a) #a = QAction("Adjust Canvas", self) #a.triggered.connect(self.canvasResize) #self.toolbar.addAction(a) iconfile = os.path.join(iconpath,'reduce.png') a = QAction(QIcon(iconfile), "Reduce elements", self) a.triggered.connect(lambda: self.zoom(zoomin=False)) self.toolbar.addAction(a) iconfile = os.path.join(iconpath,'enlarge.png') a = QAction(QIcon(iconfile), "Enlarge elements", self) a.triggered.connect(lambda: self.zoom(zoomin=True)) self.toolbar.addAction(a) vbox.addWidget(self.toolbar) vbox.addWidget(self.canvas) return
[docs] def updateSeries(self, event=None): """Update series with new plots""" data = self.table.getSelectedDataFrame() self.seriesopts.series = self.getSeries(data) return
[docs] def customiseSeries(self): """ Show custom options for current plot series. Allows plot types to be specified per series and uses a custom plot function. """ if self.seriesopts.series == {}: self.updateSeries() dlg = self.seriesopts.showDialog(self) dlg.exec_() return
[docs] def customPlot(self): """plot custom series """ self.applyPlotoptions() self.setStyle() kwds = self.opts['general'].kwds formatkwds = self.opts['format'].kwds kwds.update(formatkwds) axes_layout = kwds['axes_layout'] lkwds = self.opts['labels'].kwds.copy() axkwds = self.opts['axes'].kwds data = self.table.getSelectedDataFrame() layout='single' self.clear() = self.fig.add_subplot(111) series = self.seriesopts.series for s in series: df = data[s] skwds = series[s] kind = skwds['kind'] #skwds = self.check_kwds(skwds, kind) #print (skwds) df.plot(layout=layout,,**skwds) self.fig.legend() lkwds.update(kwds) self.setFigureOptions(axs, lkwds) self.canvas.draw() return
[docs] def check_kwds(self, kwds, kind): return dict((k, kwds[k]) for k in valid_kwds[kind] if k in kwds)
[docs] def colorsfromColormap(self, df, cmap): """Column colors from cmap""" cols = df.columns clrs = util.gen_colors(cmap,len(cols)) colordict = dict(zip(cols,clrs)) return colordict
[docs] def showTools(self): """Show/hide tools dock""" if self.dock.isHidden(): else: self.dock.hide() return
[docs] def createWidgets(self): """Create widgets. Plot on left and dock for tools on right.""" self.main = QWidget(self) hbox = QHBoxLayout(self) self.left = left = QWidget(self.main) hbox.addWidget(left) self.vbox = vbox = QVBoxLayout(left) self.addPlotWidget() return
[docs] def setFigure(self, figure): """Recreate canvas with given figure""" self.clear() self.canvas.figure = figure self.fig = self.canvas.figure = self.canvas.draw() return
[docs] def getFigureSize(self): fig = self.fig size = fig.get_size_inches() return size
[docs] def canvasResize(self, pad=50): """Trigger resize canvas""" self.canvas.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, pad, self.width(), self.height()-pad)) self.canvas.updateGeometry() return
[docs] def createOptions(self): """Create option attributes for plotter""" self.opts = {'general':MPLBaseOptions(), 'format':FormatOptions(), 'labels':AnnotationOptions(), 'axes':AxesOptions() } return
[docs] def simple_plot(self, df): """test plot""" kwds = self.opts['general'].kwds = self.fig.add_subplot(111) cols = df.columns x=df[cols[0]] y=df[cols[1]] cmap =['colormap']), y, s=kwds['ms']*10, marker=kwds['marker'] ) self.canvas.draw() return
[docs] def zoom(self, zoomin=True): """Zoom in/out to plot by changing size of elements""" if zoomin == False: val=-1.0 else: val=1.0 if len(self.opts['general'].kwds) == 0: return self.opts['format'].increment('linewidth',val/5) self.opts['format'].increment('ms',val) self.opts['labels'].increment('fontsize',val) self.replot() return
def clear(self): self.canvas.axes.clear() self.canvas.draw() return
[docs] def plot(self): self.replot()
[docs] def replot(self, data=None): """Replot with given dataframe""" self.clear() if data is None: = self.table.getSelectedDataFrame() else: = data self.applyPlotoptions() #self.updateSeries() self.setStyle() self.plotCurrent() return
[docs] def plotCurrent(self, redraw=True): """Plot the current data""" #set some mpl defaults mpl.rcParams['grid.linestyle'] = '--' mpl.rcParams['grid.linewidth'] = 1 #plot3d = self.opts['general'].kwds['3D plot'] self._initFigure() #if plot3d == 1: # self.plot3D(redraw=redraw) #else: self.plot2D(redraw=redraw) return
[docs] def getSeries(self, data): kwds = self.opts['general'].kwds fkwds = self.opts['format'].kwds kwds.update(fkwds) self.series = series = {} colordict = self.colorsfromColormap(data, fkwds['colormap']) #print (colordict) basekwds = ['kind','marker','ms','linestyle', 'linewidth', 'alpha'] skwds = {k:kwds[k] for k in basekwds} #print (fkwds) for c in data.columns: series[c] = skwds.copy() #series[c]['kind'] = kind series[c]['color'] = colordict[c] print (series[c]) print (self.series) return series
[docs] def applyPlotoptions(self): """Apply the current plotter/options""" for name in self.opts: self.opts[name].applyOptions() = self.opts['format'].kwds['style'] return
[docs] def updateData(self): """Update data widgets""" if self.table is None: return df = self.table.model.df self.opts['general'].update(df) #self.opts['series'].update(df) return
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear plot""" self.fig.clear() = None self.canvas.draw() self.table.plotted=None self.gridaxes = {} return
[docs] def savePlot(self, filename=None): """Save the current plot""" ftypes = [('png','*.png'),('jpg','*.jpg'),('tif','*.tif'),('pdf','*.pdf'), ('eps','*.eps'),('svg','*.svg')] if filename == None: filename, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self,"Save Project", "","png files (*.png);;jpg files (*.jpg)") if filename: self.currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)) #dpi = self.globalopts['dpi'] self.fig.savefig(filename, dpi=core.DPI) return
[docs] def showWarning(self, text='plot error', ax=None): """Show warning message in the plot window""" if ax==None: ax = self.fig.add_subplot(111) ax.clear() ax.text(.5, .5, text,, horizontalalignment='center', color='blue', fontsize=16) self.canvas.draw() return
def _initFigure(self): """Clear figure or add a new axis to existing layout""" from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec #plot3d = self.opts['general'].kwds['3D plot'] plot3d = 0 if plot3d == 1: #self.canvas.close() #self.toolbar.close() #self.addPlotWidget() = self.fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d',label='3d') print ( else: #default layout is just a single axis self.fig.clear() self.gridaxes = {} = self.fig.add_subplot(111) return
[docs] def plot2D(self, redraw=True): """Plot method for current data. Relies on pandas plot functionality if possible. There is some temporary code here to make sure only the valid plot options are passed for each plot kind.""" if not hasattr(self, 'data'): return data = #print (data) data.columns = self.checkColumnNames(data.columns) #get all options from the mpl options object kwds = self.opts['general'].kwds formatkwds = self.opts['format'].kwds kwds.update(formatkwds) axes_layout = kwds['axes_layout'] lkwds = self.opts['labels'].kwds.copy() axkwds = self.opts['axes'].kwds kind = kwds['kind'] by = kwds['by'] by2 = kwds['by2'] errorbars = kwds['errorbars'] useindex = kwds['use_index'] bw = kwds['bw'] style = kwds['style'] nrows = axkwds['rows'] ncols = axkwds['cols'] if self._checkNumeric(data) == False and kind != 'venn': self.showWarning('no numeric data to plot') return kwds['edgecolor'] = 'black' #valid kwd args for this plot type kwargs = dict((k, kwds[k]) for k in valid_kwds[kind] if k in kwds) ax = if by != '': #groupby needs to be handled per group so we can create the axes #for our figure and add them outside the pandas logic if by not in data.columns: self.showWarning('the grouping column must be in selected data') return if by2 != '' and by2 in data.columns: by = [by,by2] g = data.groupby(by) if axes_layout == 'multiple': i=1 if len(g) > 30: self.showWarning('%s is too many subplots' %len(g)) return size = len(g) if nrows == 0: nrows = int(np.sqrt(size)) ncols = int(np.ceil(size/nrows)) kwargs['subplots'] = None for n,df in g: if ncols==1 and nrows==1: ax = self.fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax = self.fig.add_subplot(nrows,ncols,i) kwargs['legend'] = False #remove axis legends d = df.drop(by,1) #remove grouping columns axs = self._doplot(d, ax, kind, 'single', errorbars, useindex, bw=bw, yerr=None, nrows=0, ncols=0, kwargs=kwargs) ax.set_title(n) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() i+=1 if 'sharey' in kwargs and kwargs['sharey'] == True: self.autoscale() if 'sharex' in kwargs and kwargs['sharex'] == True: self.autoscale('x') self.fig.legend(handles, labels, loc='center right', #bbox_to_anchor=(0.9, 0), bbox_transform=self.fig.transFigure ) axs = self.fig.get_axes() else: kwargs['subplots'] = 0 #single plot grouped only apply to some plot kinds #the remainder are not supported axs = labels = []; handles=[] cmap =['colormap']) #handle as pivoted data for some line, bar data = data.apply( lambda x: pd.to_numeric(x,errors='ignore',downcast='float') ) if kind in ['line','bar','barh']: df = pd.pivot_table(data,index=by) errs = data.groupby(by).std() self._doplot(df, axs, kind, axes_layout, errorbars, useindex=None, yerr=errs, bw=bw, nrows=0, ncols=0, kwargs=kwargs) elif kind == 'scatter': #we plot multiple groups and series in different colors #this logic could be placed in the scatter method? d = data.drop(by,1) d = d._get_numeric_data() xcol = d.columns[0] ycols = d.columns[1:] c=0 legnames = [] handles = [] slen = len(g)*len(ycols) clrs = [cmap(float(i)/slen) for i in range(slen)] for n, df in g: for y in ycols: kwargs['color'] = clrs[c] currax, sc = self.scatter(df[[xcol,y]], ax=axs, **kwargs) if type(n) is tuple: n = ','.join(n) legnames.append(','.join([n,y])) handles.append(sc[0]) c+=1 if kwargs['legend'] == True: if slen>6: lc = int(np.round(slen/10)) else: lc = 1 axs.legend([]) axs.legend(handles, legnames, ncol=lc) else: self.showWarning('single grouped plots not supported for %s\n' 'try using multiple subplots' %kind) else: #special case of twin axes if axes_layout == 'twin axes': ax = self.fig.add_subplot(111) #ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) #ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) if kind != 'line': self.showWarning('twin axes only supported for line plots') return lw = kwds['linewidth'] bw = kwds['bw'] marker = kwds['marker'] ms = kwds['ms'] ls = kwds['linestyle'] if useindex == False: data = data.set_index(data.columns[0]) cols = list(data.columns) twinaxes = [ax] if len(cols)>1: for i in range(len(cols)-1): twinaxes.append(ax.twinx()) styles = [] cmap =['colormap']) i=0 handles=[] for col in cols: d = data[col] cax = twinaxes[i] clr = cmap(float(i+1)/(len(cols))) d.plot(ax=cax, kind='line', c=clr, style=styles, linewidth=lw, linestyle=ls, marker=marker, ms=ms, legend=False, grid=False) if i>1: cax.spines["right"].set_position(("axes", 1+i/20)) cax.set_ylabel(col) handles.append(cax.get_lines()[0]) #if i>=1: # cax.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) i+=1 ax.legend(handles, cols, loc='best') self._setAxisTickFormat(ax) else: #default plot - mostly uses pandas so we directly call _doplot try: axs = self._doplot(data, ax, kind, axes_layout, errorbars, useindex, bw=bw, yerr=None, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, kwargs=kwargs) except Exception as e: self.showWarning(e) logging.error("Exception occurred", exc_info=True) return #set options general for all plot types #annotation optons are separate lkwds.update(kwds) self.setFigureOptions(axs, lkwds) scf = 12/lkwds['fontsize'] try: self.fig.tight_layout() self.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) if by != '': self.fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.9) except: self.fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.89, bottom=0.1, hspace=.4/scf, wspace=.2/scf) print ('tight_layout failed') #set axes formats self._setAxisRanges() if axes_layout == 'multiple': for ax in self.fig.axes: self._setAxisTickFormat(ax) else: self._setAxisTickFormat( if style == 'dark_background': self.fig.set_facecolor('black') else: self.fig.set_facecolor('white') if redraw == True: self.canvas.draw() return
[docs] def plotBySeries(self): """Plot different types depending on series""" #for s in series: return
[docs] def setFigureOptions(self, axs, kwds): """Set axis wide options such as ylabels, title""" if type(axs) is np.ndarray: = axs.flat[0] elif type(axs) is list: = axs[0] self.fig.suptitle(kwds['title'], fontsize=kwds['fontsize']*1.2) axes_layout = kwds['axes_layout'] if axes_layout == 'multiple': for ax in self.fig.axes: self.setAxisLabels(ax, kwds) else: self.setAxisLabels(, kwds) return
[docs] def setAxisLabels(self, ax, kwds): """Set a plots axis labels""" if kwds['xlabel'] != '': ax.set_xlabel(kwds['xlabel']) if kwds['ylabel'] != '': ax.set_ylabel(kwds['ylabel']) ax.xaxis.set_visible(kwds['showxlabels']) ax.yaxis.set_visible(kwds['showylabels']) if kwds['rotx'] != 0: for tick in ax.get_xticklabels(): tick.set_rotation(kwds['rotx']) return
[docs] def autoscale(self, axis='y'): """Set all subplots to limits of largest range""" l=None u=None for ax in self.fig.axes: if axis=='y': a, b = ax.get_ylim() else: a, b = ax.get_xlim() if l == None or a<l: l=a if u == None or b>u: u=b lims = (l, u) #print (lims) for a in self.fig.axes: if axis=='y': a.set_ylim(lims) else: a.set_xlim(lims) return
def _clearArgs(self, kwargs): """Clear kwargs of formatting options so that a style can be used""" keys = ['colormap','grid'] for k in keys: if k in kwargs: kwargs[k] = None return kwargs def _doplot(self, data, ax, kind, axes_layout, errorbars, useindex, bw, yerr, nrows, ncols, kwargs): """Core plotting method where the individual plot functions are called""" kwargs = kwargs.copy() if 'alpha' in kwargs: kwargs['alpha'] = kwargs['alpha'] cols = data.columns if kind == 'line': data = data.sort_index() #calculate required rows rows = int(round(np.sqrt(len(data.columns)),0)) if len(data.columns) == 1 and kind not in ['pie']: kwargs['subplots'] = 0 if 'colormap' in kwargs: cmap =['colormap']) else: cmap = None #change some things if we are plotting in b&w styles = [] if bw == True and kind not in ['pie','heatmap']: cmap = None kwargs['color'] = 'k' kwargs['colormap'] = None styles = ["-","--","-.",":"] if 'linestyle' in kwargs: del kwargs['linestyle'] if axes_layout == 'single': layout = None elif nrows != 0: #override automatic rows/cols with widget options layout = (nrows,ncols) kwargs['subplots'] = 1 else: layout = (rows,-1) kwargs['subplots'] = 1 if errorbars == True and yerr == None: yerr = data[data.columns[1::2]] data = data[data.columns[0::2]] yerr.columns = data.columns plt.rcParams['errorbar.capsize']=4 if kind == 'bar' or kind == 'barh': if len(data) > 50: ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) if len(data) > 300: self.showWarning('too many bars to plot') return if kind == 'scatter': axs, sc = self.scatter(data, ax, axes_layout, **kwargs) if kwargs['sharey'] == 1: lims = self.fig.axes[0].get_ylim() for a in self.fig.axes: a.set_ylim(lims) elif kind == 'boxplot': axs = data.boxplot(ax=ax, grid=kwargs['grid'], patch_artist=True, return_type='dict') lw = kwargs['linewidth'] plt.setp(axs['boxes'], color='black', lw=lw) plt.setp(axs['whiskers'], color='black', lw=lw) plt.setp(axs['fliers'], color='black', marker='+', lw=lw) clr = cmap(0.5) for patch in axs['boxes']: patch.set_facecolor(clr) if kwargs['logy'] == 1: ax.set_yscale('log') elif kind == 'violinplot': axs = self.violinplot(data, ax, kwargs) elif kind == 'dotplot': axs = self.dotplot(data, ax, kwargs) elif kind == 'histogram': #bins = int(kwargs['bins']) axs = data.plot(kind='hist',layout=layout, ax=ax, **kwargs) elif kind == 'heatmap': if len(data) > 1000: self.showWarning('too many rows to plot') return axs = self.heatmap(data, ax, kwargs) elif kind == 'bootstrap': axs = plotting.bootstrap_plot(data) elif kind == 'scatter_matrix': kwargs['marker'] = 'o' kwargs['s'] = 2 axs = plotting.scatter_matrix(data, ax=ax, **kwargs) elif kind == 'hexbin': x = cols[0] y = cols[1] bins = int(kwargs['bins']) axs = data.plot(x,y,ax=ax,kind='hexbin',gridsize=bins,**kwargs) elif kind == 'contour': xi,yi,zi = self.contourData(data) cs = ax.contour(xi,yi,zi,15,linewidths=.5,colors='k') #plt.clabel(cs,fontsize=9) cs = ax.contourf(xi,yi,zi,15,cmap=cmap) self.fig.colorbar(cs,ax=ax) axs = ax elif kind == 'imshow': xi,yi,zi = self.contourData(data) im = ax.imshow(zi, interpolation="nearest", cmap=cmap, alpha=kwargs['alpha']) self.fig.colorbar(im,ax=ax) axs = ax elif kind == 'pie': if useindex == False: x=data.columns[0] data.set_index(x,inplace=True) if kwargs['legend'] == True: lbls=None else: lbls = list(data.index) kwargs['subplots'] = True kwargs['legend'] = False axs = data.plot(ax=ax, kind='pie', labels=lbls, layout=layout, autopct='%1.1f%%', **kwargs) if lbls == None: self.fig.legend(labels=data.index) elif kind == 'venn': axs = self.venn(data, ax, **kwargs) elif kind == 'radviz': if kwargs['marker'] == '': kwargs['marker'] = 'o' col = data.columns[-1] axs = pd.plotting.radviz(data, col, ax=ax, **kwargs) else: #line, bar and area plots if useindex == False: x=data.columns[0] data.set_index(x,inplace=True) if len(data.columns) == 0: msg = "Not enough data.\nIf 'use index' is off select at least 2 columns" self.showWarning(msg) return #adjust colormap to avoid white lines if cmap != None: #cmap = util.adjustColorMap(cmap, 0.15,1.0) del kwargs['colormap'] if kind == 'barh': kwargs['xerr']=yerr yerr=None axs = data.plot(ax=ax, layout=layout, yerr=yerr, style=styles, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) return axs
[docs] def setStyle(self): """Apply style""" if == None or == '': mpl.rcParams.update(mpl.rcParamsDefault) else: return
def _setAxisRanges(self): kwds = self.opts['axes'].kwds ax = try: xmin=float(kwds['xmin']) xmax=float(kwds['xmax']) ax.set_xlim((xmin,xmax)) except: pass try: ymin=float(kwds['ymin']) ymax=float(kwds['ymax']) ax.set_ylim((ymin,ymax)) except: pass return def _setAxisTickFormat(self, ax): """Set axis tick format""" import matplotlib.ticker as mticker import matplotlib.dates as mdates kwds = self.opts['axes'].kwds #ax = data = cols = list(data.columns) x = data[cols[0]] xt = kwds['major x-ticks'] yt = kwds['major y-ticks'] xmt = kwds['minor x-ticks'] ymt = kwds['minor y-ticks'] symbol = kwds['symbol'] places = kwds['precision'] dateformat = kwds['date format'] if xt != 0: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=xt)) if yt != 0: ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=yt)) if xmt != 0: ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mticker.AutoMinorLocator(n=xmt)) ax.grid(b=True, which='minor', linestyle='--', linewidth=.5) if ymt != 0: ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mticker.AutoMinorLocator(n=ymt)) ax.grid(b=True, which='minor', linestyle='--', linewidth=.5) formatter = kwds['formatter'] if formatter == 'percent': ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mticker.PercentFormatter()) elif formatter == 'eng': ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mticker.EngFormatter(unit=symbol,places=places)) elif formatter == 'sci notation': ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mticker.LogFormatterSciNotation()) elif formatter == 'date': locator = mdates.AutoDateLocator(minticks=4, maxticks=10) formatter = mdates.ConciseDateFormatter(locator) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) if dateformat != '': ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter(dateformat)) return
[docs] def scatter(self, df, ax, axes_layout='single', alpha=0.8, marker='o', color=None, **kwds): """A custom scatter plot rather than the pandas one. By default this plots the first column selected versus the others""" if len(df.columns)<2: return data = df df = df.copy()._get_numeric_data() cols = list(df.columns) x = df[cols[0]] s=1 cmap =['colormap']) lw = kwds['linewidth'] clrcol = kwds['clrcol'] #color by values in a column cscale = kwds['cscale'] grid = kwds['grid'] bw = kwds['bw'] if cscale == 'log': norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm() else: norm = None if color != None: c = color elif clrcol != '': if clrcol in df.columns: if len(cols)>2: cols.remove(clrcol) c = data[clrcol] if c.dtype.kind not in 'bifc': c = pd.factorize(c)[0] else: c = None plots = len(cols) if marker == '': marker = 'o' if axes_layout == 'multiple': size = plots-1 nrows = int(round(np.sqrt(size),0)) ncols = int(np.ceil(size/nrows)) self.fig.clear() if c is not None: colormap = kwds['colormap'] else: colormap = None c=None #print (kwds) labelcol = kwds['labelcol'] pointsizes = kwds['pointsizes'] handles = [] for i in range(s,plots): y = df[cols[i]] ec = 'black' if bw == True: clr = 'white' colormap = None else: clr = cmap(float(i)/(plots)) if colormap != None: clr=None if marker in ['x','+'] and bw == False: ec = clr if axes_layout == 'multiple': ax = self.fig.add_subplot(nrows,ncols,i) if pointsizes != '' and pointsizes in df.columns: ms = df[pointsizes] s=kwds['ms'] getsizes = lambda x : (((x-x.min())/float(x.max()-x.min())+1)*s)**2.3 ms = getsizes(ms) #print (ms) else: ms = kwds['ms'] * 12 sc = ax.scatter(x, y, marker=marker, alpha=alpha, linewidth=lw, c=c, s=ms, edgecolors=ec, facecolor=clr, cmap=colormap, norm=norm, label=cols[i], picker=True) if kwds['logx'] == 1: ax.set_xscale('log') if kwds['logy'] == 1: ax.set_yscale('log') #create proxy artist for markers so we can return these handles if needed mkr = Line2D([0], [0], marker=marker, alpha=alpha, ms=10, markerfacecolor=c, markeredgewidth=lw, markeredgecolor=ec, linewidth=0) handles.append(mkr) ax.set_xlabel(cols[0]) if grid == 1: ax.grid(True, linestyle='--') if axes_layout == 'multiple': ax.set_title(cols[i]) if colormap is not None and kwds['colorbar'] == True: self.fig.colorbar(scplt, ax=ax) if labelcol != '': if not labelcol in data.columns: self.showWarning('label column %s not in selected data' %labelcol) elif len(data)<1500: for i, r in data.iterrows(): txt = r[labelcol] if pd.isnull(txt) is True: continue ax.annotate(txt, (x[i],y[i]), xycoords='data', xytext=(5, 5), textcoords='offset points',) if kwds['legend'] == 1 and axes_layout == 'single': leg = ax.legend(cols[1:]) #leg.set_draggable(state=True) return ax, handles
[docs] def violinplot(self, df, ax, kwds): """violin plot""" data=[] clrs=[] df = df._get_numeric_data() cols = len(df.columns) cmap =['colormap']) for i,d in enumerate(df): clrs.append(cmap(float(i)/cols)) data.append(df[d].values) lw = kwds['linewidth'] alpha = kwds['alpha'] parts = ax.violinplot(data, showextrema=False, showmeans=True) i=0 for pc in parts['bodies']: pc.set_facecolor(clrs[i]) pc.set_edgecolor('black') pc.set_alpha(alpha) pc.set_linewidth(lw) i+=1 labels = df.columns ax.set_xticks(np.arange(1, len(labels) + 1)) ax.set_xticklabels(labels) return
[docs] def dotplot(self, df, ax, kwds): """Dot plot""" marker = kwds['marker'] if marker == '': marker = 'o' cmap =['colormap']) ms = kwds['ms'] lw = kwds['linewidth'] alpha = kwds['alpha'] cols = len(df.columns) axs = df.boxplot(ax=ax, grid=False, return_type='dict') plt.setp(axs['boxes'], color='white') plt.setp(axs['whiskers'], color='white') plt.setp(axs['caps'], color='black', lw=lw) plt.setp(axs['medians'], color='black', lw=lw) np.random.seed(42) for i,d in enumerate(df): clr = cmap(float(i)/cols) y = df[d] x = np.random.normal(i+1, 0.04, len(y)) ax.plot(x, y, c=clr, mec='k', ms=ms, marker=marker, alpha=alpha, mew=lw, linestyle="None") if kwds['logy'] == 1: ax.set_yscale('log') return ax
[docs] def heatmap(self, df, ax, kwds): """Plot heatmap""" X = df._get_numeric_data() clr='black' lw = kwds['linewidth'] if lw==0: clr=None lw=None if kwds['cscale']=='log': norm=mpl.colors.LogNorm() else: norm=None hm = ax.pcolor(X, cmap=kwds['colormap'], edgecolor=clr, linewidth=lw,alpha=kwds['alpha'],norm=norm) if kwds['colorbar'] == True: self.fig.colorbar(hm, ax=ax) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0.5, len(X.columns))) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0.5, len(X.index))) ax.set_xticklabels(X.columns, minor=False) ax.set_yticklabels(X.index, minor=False) ax.set_ylim(0, len(X.index)) #from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable #divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) return
[docs] def venn(self, data, ax, colormap=None, alpha=0.8): """Plot venn diagram, requires matplotlb-venn""" try: from matplotlib_venn import venn2,venn3 except: self.showWarning('requires matplotlib_venn') return l = len(data.columns) if l<2: return x = data.values[:,0] y = data.values[:,1] if l==2: labels = list(data.columns[:2]) v = venn2([set(x), set(y)], set_labels=labels, ax=ax) else: labels = list(data.columns[:3]) z = data.values[:,2] v = venn3([set(x), set(y), set(z)], set_labels=labels, ax=ax) ax.axis('off') ax.set_axis_off() return ax
[docs] def contourData(self, data): """Get data for contour plot""" x = data.values[:,0] y = data.values[:,1] z = data.values[:,2] xi = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max()) yi = np.linspace(y.min(), y.max()) zi = griddata(x, y, z, xi, yi, interp='linear') return xi,yi,zi
[docs] def meshData(self, x,y,z): """Prepare 1D data for plotting in the form (x,y)->Z""" xi = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max()) yi = np.linspace(y.min(), y.max()) zi = griddata(x, y, z, xi, yi, interp='linear') X, Y = np.meshgrid(xi, yi) return X,Y,zi
[docs] def getcmap(self, name): try: return except: return'Spectral')
[docs] def getView(self): ax = if hasattr(ax,'azim'): azm=ax.azim ele=ax.elev dst=ax.dist else: return None,None,None return azm,ele,dst
[docs] def plot3D(self, redraw=True): """3D plot""" if not hasattr(self, 'data') or len(<3: return kwds = self.opts['general'].kwds.copy() #use base options by joining the dicts #kwds.update(self.mplopts3d.kwds) kwds.update(self.opts['labels'].kwds) #print (kwds) data = x = data.values[:,0] y = data.values[:,1] z = data.values[:,2] azm,ele,dst = self.getView() #self.fig.clear() ax = = Axes3D(self.fig) kind = kwds['kind'] #mode = kwds['mode'] #rstride = kwds['rstride'] #cstride = kwds['cstride'] lw = kwds['linewidth'] alpha = kwds['alpha'] cmap = kwds['colormap'] if kind == 'scatter': self.scatter3D(data, ax, kwds) elif kind == 'bar': self.bar3D(data, ax, kwds) elif kind == 'contour': from scipy.interpolate import griddata xi = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max()) yi = np.linspace(y.min(), y.max()) zi = griddata((x, y), z, (xi[None,:], yi[:,None]), method='cubic') surf = ax.contour(xi, yi, zi, rstride=rstride, cstride=cstride, cmap=kwds['colormap'], alpha=alpha, linewidth=lw, antialiased=True) elif kind == 'wireframe': if mode == '(x,y)->z': X,Y,zi = self.meshData(x,y,z) else: X,Y,zi = x,y,z w = ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, zi, rstride=rstride, cstride=cstride, linewidth=lw) elif kind == 'surface': X,Y,zi = self.meshData(x,y,z) surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, zi, rstride=rstride, cstride=cstride, cmap=cmap, alpha=alpha, linewidth=lw) cb = self.fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5) surf.set_clim(vmin=zi.min(), vmax=zi.max()) #if kwds['points'] == True: # self.scatter3D(data, ax, kwds) self.setFigureOptions(ax, kwds) if azm!=None: = azm = ele = dst #handles, labels = #self.fig.legend(handles, labels) self.canvas.draw() return
[docs] def bar3D(self, data, ax, kwds): """3D bar plot""" i=0 plots=len(data.columns) cmap =['colormap']) for c in data.columns: h = data[c] c = cmap(float(i)/(plots)), h, zs=i, zdir='y', color=c) i+=1
[docs] def scatter3D(self, data, ax, kwds): """3D scatter plot""" def doscatter(data, ax, color=None, pointlabels=None): data = data._get_numeric_data() l = len(data.columns) if l<3: return X = data.values x = X[:,0] y = X[:,1] handles=[] labels=data.columns[2:] for i in range(2,l): z = X[:,i] if color == None: c = cmap(float(i)/(l)) else: c = color c='blue' h=ax.scatter(x, y, z, edgecolor='black', linewidth=lw, facecolor=c, alpha=alpha, marker=marker, s=ms) handles.append(h) if pointlabels is not None: trans_offset = mtrans.offset_copy(ax.transData, fig=self.fig, x=0.05, y=0.10, units='inches') for i in zip(x,y,z,pointlabels): txt=i[3] ax.text(i[0],i[1],i[2], txt, None, transform=trans_offset) return handles,labels lw = kwds['linewidth'] alpha = kwds['alpha']/10 ms = kwds['ms']*6 marker = kwds['marker'] if marker=='': marker='o' by = kwds['by'] legend = kwds['legend'] cmap = self.getcmap(kwds['colormap']) labelcol = kwds['labelcol'] handles=[] pl=None if by != '': if by not in data.columns: self.showWarning('grouping column not in selection') return g = data.groupby(by) i=0 pl=None for n,df in g: c = cmap(float(i)/(len(g))) if labelcol != '': pl = df[labelcol] h,l = doscatter(df, ax, color=c, pointlabels=pl) handles.append(h[0]) i+=1 self.fig.legend(handles, g.groups) else: if labelcol != '': pl = data[labelcol] handles,lbls=doscatter(data, ax, pointlabels=pl) self.fig.legend(handles, lbls) return
[docs] def checkColumnNames(self, cols): """Check length of column names""" from textwrap import fill try: cols = [fill(str(l), 25) for l in cols] except: logging.error("Exception occurred", exc_info=True) return cols
def _checkNumeric(self, df): """Get only numeric data that can be plotted""" x = df.apply( lambda x: pd.to_numeric(x,errors='ignore',downcast='float') ) if x.empty == True: return False
[docs]def addFigure(parent, figure=None, resize_callback=None): """Create a tk figure and canvas in the parent frame""" if figure == None: figure = Figure(figsize=(8,4), dpi=120, facecolor='white') canvas = FigureCanvas(figure=figure) canvas.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) canvas.updateGeometry() return figure, canvas
[docs]class BaseOptions(object): """Class to generate widget dialog for dict of options""" def __init__(self): """Setup variables""" #self.parent = parent #opts is used to create the widgets #kwds is the dictionary where we store all the key:value pairs self.opts = {} = ''' QWidget { font-size: 12px; max-width: 240px; } QLabel, QLineEdit { min-width: 60px; } QPlainTextEdit { max-height: 100px; min-width: 100px; } QScrollBar:vertical { width: 15px; } QComboBox { combobox-popup: 0; max-height: 30px; max-width: 120px; } ''' return
[docs] def setDefaults(self): """Populate default kwds dict""" self.kwds = {} for o in self.opts: self.kwds[o] = self.opts[o]['default'] return
[docs] def applyOptions(self): """Set the plot kwd arguments from the widgets""" self.kwds = getWidgetValues(self.widgets) return
[docs] def apply(self): self.applyOptions() if self.callback != None: self.callback() return
[docs] def showDialog(self, parent, wrap=2, section_wrap=2, style=None): """Auto create widgets for corresponding options and and return the dialog. Args: parent: parent frame wrap: wrap for internal widgets """ = style self.parent = parent dialog, widgets = dialogFromOptions(parent, self.opts, self.groups, wrap=wrap, section_wrap=section_wrap, style=style) return dialog, widgets
[docs] def setWidgetValue(self, key, value): setWidgetValues(self.widgets, {key: value}) self.applyOptions() return
[docs] def updateWidgets(self, kwds=None): """Update widgets from stored or supplied kwds""" if kwds==None: kwds = self.kwds for k in kwds: setWidgetValues(self.widgets, {k: kwds[k]}) return
[docs] def increment(self, key, inc): """Increase the value of a widget""" if not key in self.kwds: return new = self.kwds[key]+inc if new == 0: return self.setWidgetValue(key, new) return
[docs] def randomSettings(self): """Get random settings""" kwds = self.kwds for k in kwds: opt = self.opts[k] if opt['type'] == 'combobox': kwds[k] = random.choice(opt['items']) elif opt['type'] == 'spinbox': if 'range' in opt.keys(): r=opt['range'] kwds[k] = random.randint(r[0],r[1]) return
[docs]class MPLBaseOptions(BaseOptions): """Class to provide a dialog for matplotlib options and returning the selected prefs""" legendlocs = ['best','upper right','upper left','lower left','lower right','right','center left', 'center right','lower center','upper center','center'] def __init__(self): """Setup variables""" datacols=[] layouts = ['single','multiple','twin axes'] scales = ['linear','log'] grps = {'data':['by','by2','labelcol','pointsizes','clrcol'], 'general':['kind','axes_layout','bins','stacked','use_index','errorbars', 'legend','sharex','sharey','logx','logy'] } #'other':['3D plot']} order = ['general','data'] self.groups = OrderedDict((key, grps[key]) for key in order) opts = self.opts = { 'logx':{'type':'checkbox','default':0,'label':'log x'}, 'logy':{'type':'checkbox','default':0,'label':'log y'}, 'use_index':{'type':'checkbox','default':1,'label':'use index'}, 'errorbars':{'type':'checkbox','default':0,'label':'errorbar column'}, 'clrcol':{'type':'combobox','items':datacols,'label':'color by value','default':''}, 'bw':{'type':'checkbox','default':0,'label':'black & white'}, 'sharex':{'type':'checkbox','default':0,'label':'share x'}, 'sharey':{'type':'checkbox','default':0,'label':'share y'}, 'legend':{'type':'checkbox','default':1,'label':'legend'}, 'kind':{'type':'combobox','default':'line','items':plotkinds,'label':'plot type'}, 'stacked':{'type':'checkbox','default':0,'label':'stacked'}, 'axes_layout':{'type':'combobox','default':'single','items':layouts,'label':'axes layout'}, 'bins':{'type':'spinbox','default':20,'width':5}, 'by':{'type':'combobox','items':datacols,'label':'group by','default':''}, 'by2':{'type':'combobox','items':datacols,'label':'group by 2','default':''}, 'labelcol':{'type':'combobox','items':datacols,'label':'point labels','default':''}, 'pointsizes':{'type':'combobox','items':datacols,'label':'point sizes','default':''}, #'3D plot': {'type':'checkbox','default':0,'label':'3D plot'} } #self.kwds = {} self.setDefaults() return
[docs] def update(self, df): """Update data widget(s) when dataframe changes""" if util.check_multiindex(df.columns) == 1: cols = list(df.columns.get_level_values(0)) else: cols = list(df.columns) #add empty value cols = [str(c) for c in cols] cols = ['']+cols for name in ['by','by2','labelcol','clrcol']: self.widgets[name].clear() self.widgets[name].addItems(cols) return
[docs]class FormatOptions(BaseOptions): """This class also provides custom tools for adding items to the plot""" def __init__(self): """Setup variables""" scales = ['linear','log'] style_list = ['default', 'classic', 'fivethirtyeight', 'seaborn-pastel','seaborn-whitegrid', 'ggplot','bmh', 'grayscale','dark_background'] grps = {'styles':['style','colormap'], 'formats':['marker','ms','linestyle','linewidth','alpha'], 'axes':['grid','showxlabels','showylabels'], 'colors':['bw','cscale','colorbar'] } order = ['styles','formats','axes','colors'] self.groups = OrderedDict((key, grps[key]) for key in order) opts = self.opts = { 'style':{'type':'combobox','default':core.PLOTSTYLE,'items': style_list}, 'marker':{'type':'combobox','default':'','items': markers}, 'linestyle':{'type':'combobox','default':'-','items': linestyles}, 'linewidth':{'type':'doublespinbox','default':2.0,'range':(0,20),'interval':.2,'label':'line width'}, 'ms':{'type':'spinbox','default':5,'range':(1,80),'interval':1,'label':'marker size'}, 'grid':{'type':'checkbox','default':0,'label':'show grid'}, 'cscale':{'type':'combobox','items':scales,'label':'color scale','default':'linear'}, 'colorbar':{'type':'checkbox','default':0,'label':'show colorbar'}, 'bw':{'type':'checkbox','default':0,'label':'black & white'}, 'showxlabels':{'type':'checkbox','default':1,'label':'x tick labels'}, 'showylabels':{'type':'checkbox','default':1,'label':'y tick labels'}, #'loc':{'type':'combobox','default':'best','items':self.legendlocs,'label':'legend loc'}, 'alpha':{'type':'doublespinbox','default':0.9,'range':(.1,1),'interval':.1,'label':'alpha'}, 'colormap':{'type':'combobox','default':'Spectral','items':colormaps}, } self.setDefaults() return
[docs]class AnnotationOptions(BaseOptions): """This class also provides custom tools for adding items to the plot""" def __init__(self): """Setup variables""" from matplotlib import colors import six colors = list(six.iteritems(colors.cnames)) colors = sorted([c[0] for c in colors]) fillpatterns = ['-', '+', 'x', '\\', '*', 'o', 'O', '.'] bstyles = ['square','round','round4','circle','rarrow','larrow','sawtooth'] fonts = util.getFonts() if 'Windows' in platform.platform(): defaultfont = 'Arial' else: defaultfont = 'FreeSans' fontweights = ['normal','bold','heavy','light','ultrabold','ultralight'] alignments = ['left','center','right'] colors = ['black','gray','red','blue','green','orange','purple','cyan','pink'] #self.parent = parent self.groups = grps = {'global labels':['title','xlabel','ylabel','rotx'], 'format': ['font','fontsize','fontweight','color'] } self.groups = OrderedDict(sorted(grps.items())) opts = self.opts = { 'title':{'type':'textarea','default':'','width':30}, 'xlabel':{'type':'entry','default':'','width':20}, 'ylabel':{'type':'entry','default':'','width':20}, 'facecolor':{'type':'combobox','default':'white','items': colors}, 'linecolor':{'type':'combobox','default':'black','items': colors}, 'fill':{'type':'combobox','default':'-','items': fillpatterns}, 'rotate':{'type':'scale','default':0,'range':(-180,180),'interval':1,'label':'rotate'}, 'boxstyle':{'type':'combobox','default':'square','items': bstyles}, 'text':{'type':'scrolledtext','default':'','width':20}, #'align':{'type':'combobox','default':'center','items': alignments}, 'font':{'type':'font','default':defaultfont,'items':fonts}, 'fontsize':{'type':'spinbox','default':12,'range':(4,50),'label':'font size'}, 'fontweight':{'type':'combobox','default':'normal','items': fontweights}, 'color':{'type':'combobox','default':'black','items': colors}, 'rotx':{'type':'spinbox','default':0, 'range':(-180,180),'label':'xlabel angle'} } self.kwds = {} #used to store annotations self.textboxes = {} self.setDefaults() return
[docs] def applyOptions(self): """Set the plot kwd arguments from the tk variables""" BaseOptions.applyOptions(self) from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties size = self.kwds['fontsize'] #font = FontProperties() #font.set_family(self.kwds['font']) plt.rc("font", family=self.kwds['font'], size=size)#, weight=self.kwds['fontweight']) plt.rc('legend', fontsize=size-1) plt.rc('text', color=self.kwds['color']) return
[docs]class AxesOptions(BaseOptions): """Class for additional formatting options like styles""" def __init__(self): """Setup variables""" #self.parent = parent self.styles = sorted( formats = ['auto','date','percent','eng','sci notation'] datefmts = ['','%Y','%m','%d','%b','%d/%m/%Y','%d/%m/%y', '%Y/%m/%d','%y/%m/%d','%Y/%d/%m', '%d%m%Y','%Y%m%d','%Y%d%m', '%d-%b-%Y', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S','%d-%m-%Y %H:%M' ] self.groups = grps = OrderedDict({'main':['rows','cols','xmin','xmax','ymin','ymax', 'major x-ticks','major y-ticks','minor x-ticks','minor y-ticks', 'formatter','date format','symbol','precision'], }) opts = self.opts = {'rows':{'type':'spinbox','default':0}, 'cols':{'type':'spinbox','default':0}, 'xmin':{'type':'entry','default':'','label':'x min'}, 'xmax':{'type':'entry','default':'','label':'x max'}, 'ymin':{'type':'entry','default':'','label':'y min'}, 'ymax':{'type':'entry','default':'','label':'y max'}, 'major x-ticks':{'type':'spinbox','default':0}, 'major y-ticks':{'type':'spinbox','default':0}, 'minor x-ticks':{'type':'spinbox','default':0}, 'minor y-ticks':{'type':'spinbox','default':0}, 'formatter':{'type':'combobox','items':formats,'default':'auto'}, 'symbol':{'type':'entry','default':''}, 'precision':{'type':'entry','default':0}, 'date format':{'type':'combobox','items':datefmts,'default':''} } self.setDefaults() return
[docs]class SeriesOptions(BaseOptions): """Class for selecting custom plot types for each series""" def __init__(self, plotviewer): """Setup variables""" super(SeriesOptions, self).__init__() self.series = {} self.plotviewer = plotviewer self.setDefaults() return
[docs] def showDialog(self, parent=None): dlg = self.dlg = SimpleDialog(parent, title='Series Options') self.createSeriesWidgets(dlg) btnbox = self.createButtons(dlg) return dlg
[docs] def createButtons(self, parent): l = parent.layout bw = self.button_widget = QWidget(parent) vbox = QHBoxLayout(bw) button = QPushButton("Cancel") button.clicked.connect(self.close) vbox.addWidget(button) button = QPushButton("Clear") button.clicked.connect(self.update) vbox.addWidget(button) button = QPushButton("Update") button.clicked.connect(self.update) vbox.addWidget(button) l.addWidget(bw) return
[docs] def createSeriesWidgets(self, parent): l = parent.layout l.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignTop) row = QWidget() l.addWidget(row) l2 = QHBoxLayout(row) for i in ['name','kind','color','line style','marker','marker size','alpha']: w=QLabel(i) l2.addWidget(w) #w.setFixedWidth(100) kinds = ['line','bar'] self.widgets = {} for s in self.series: self.widgets[s] = {} opt=self.series[s] row = QWidget() l.addWidget(row) l2 = QHBoxLayout(row) w=QLabel(s) w.setFixedWidth(100) l2.addWidget(w) w=QComboBox() w.addItems(kinds) val = self.series[s]['kind'] index = w.findText(val) w.setCurrentIndex(index) w.setFixedWidth(80) if val not in ['line','bar']: w.setEnabled(False) l2.addWidget(w) self.widgets[s]['kind'] = w w = ColorButton() val = self.series[s]['color'] w.setColor(val) l2.addWidget(w) self.widgets[s]['color'] = w w=QComboBox() w.addItems(linestyles) val = self.series[s]['linestyle'] index = w.findText(val) w.setCurrentIndex(index) l2.addWidget(w) self.widgets[s]['linestyle'] = w w=QSpinBox() val = self.series[s]['linewidth'] w.setValue(int(val)) l2.addWidget(w) self.widgets[s]['linewidth'] = w w=QComboBox() w.addItems(markers) val = self.series[s]['marker'] index = w.findText(val) w.setCurrentIndex(index) self.widgets[s]['marker'] = w l2.addWidget(w) w=QSpinBox() val = self.series[s]['ms'] w.setValue(int(val)) l2.addWidget(w) self.widgets[s]['ms'] = w w=QDoubleSpinBox() val = self.series[s]['alpha'] w.setValue(val) w.setRange(0,1) w.setSingleStep(0.1) l2.addWidget(w) self.widgets[s]['alpha'] = w return
[docs] def update(self, event=None): """Update series options from widgets and replot""" for s in self.widgets: for i in self.widgets[s]: w = self.widgets[s][i] val = getWidgetValue(w) #print (s,i,val) self.series[s][i] = val #print (self.series) self.plotviewer.customPlot() return
[docs] def close(self): self.dlg.destroy() return